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Custom Admin API

If you want to create your own custom API without using the LUYA NgRest base API function, you only have to consider a few things.

API Controller File

Make sure to extend from luya\admin\base\RestController . If you want to provide the default route, make sure to define the actionIndex() like this:

namespace app\modules\yourmodule\admin\apis;

class MyController extends \luya\admin\base\RestController
    public function actionIndex()
        return ['content' => 'foobar'];
    public function actionHello()
        return ['world'];

Register the API in Module

Define the endpoint in luya\admin\Module -> $apis property in Module.php for the custom API like a normal NgRest API: (assuming you're defining the API inside a module)

public $apis = [
  'api-yourmodule-yourcontroller' => 'app\modules\yourmodule\admin\apis\YourController'

In order to make your API listen to different method types you can use luya\admin\Module -> $apiRules:

public $apiRules = [
    'api-yourmodule-yourcontroller' => [
        'extraPatterns' => [
            'POST new-comment' => 'new-comment', // the action actionNewComment() which listens only to post
            'PUT update-comment' => 'update-comment', // the action actionUpdateComment() which listens only to put

An example of how to override the yii\rest\UrlRule patterns:

public $apis = [
    'api-usertoken-login' => 'luya\admin\usertoken\apis\LoginController',

public $apiRules = [
    'api-usertoken-login' => [
        'patterns' => [
            'GET' => ' index',

Now the POST request will run the index action.

Make Request / How to access

Depending on your definition including your language code definition, your API should now be reachable under http://host/yourlanguagecode/admin/api-yourmodule-yourcontroller. In order to access the actionWorld use http://host/yourlanguagecode/admin/api-yourmodule-yourcontroller/hello.