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Menus & Navigations

The luya\cms\Menu component allows you to build website navigations. The menu component is part of the CMS module.

You can access the luya\cms\Menu component trough Yii::$app->menu. This component help you to create menus, find childs, get items of containers, get property data and much more. The menu component is automatically registered when adding the CMS module to your config.

The menu component is registered automatically in your config, if you need to configure or modify settings the registration of the component looks like this:

return [
    // ...
    'components' => [
        'menu' => [
            'class' => 'luya\cms\Menu',
            // component properties

When you request a menu item, you will always get a luya\cms\menu\Item object which provides a lot of getter methods.

The menu component automatically loads the luya\cms\Menu -> getCurrent() active menu item based on your current language which will be evaluated by the luya\web\Composition component.

Get the current page

One of the most important features is to get the current active menu item, to retrieve the current menu object use luya\cms\Menu -> getCurrent():

Yii::$app->menu->current->link; // same as: Yii::$app->menu->getCurrent()->getLink():

Where luya\cms\Menu -> getCurrent() returns a luya\cms\menu\Item you can access other information like luya\cms\menu\Item -> getLink(), luya\cms\menu\Item -> getTitle() etc.

Get the homepage

To get the homepage object use luya\cms\Menu -> getHome() method which will return a luya\cms\menu\Item as well:

Yii::$app->menu->home->title; // same as: Yii::$app->menu->getHome()->getTitle();

Building menu navigation

To list navigation data of the menu use the luya\cms\Menu -> find() method which returns a luya\cms\menu\Query object you can defined where statements and return either luya\cms\menu\Query -> one(), luya\cms\menu\Query -> all() or luya\cms\menu\Query -> count(). As shortcut you can use the luya\cms\Menu -> findAll() or luya\cms\Menu -> findOne() method.

Using luya\cms\menu\Query -> one() or luya\cms\Menu -> findOne() return an luya\cms\menu\Item . Foreachable responses from luya\cms\menu\Query -> all() or luya\cms\Menu -> findAll() return an luya\cms\menu\Iterator instead.


As navigations are stored in containers you mostly want to return the root level of a navigation inside a specific container, where default is the standard container which is initialized when setting up LUYA with the CMS module:

<?php foreach (Yii::$app->menu->find()->container('default')->root()->all() as $item): ?>
    <li><a href="<?= $item->link; ?>"><?= $item->title; ?></a></li>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Which is equals to the luya\cms\Menu -> findAll() method with where parameters:

<?php foreach (Yii::$app->menu->findAll(['parent_nav_id' => 0, 'container' => 'default']) as $item): ?>
    <li><a href="<?= $item->link; ?>"><?= $item->title; ?></a></li>
<?php endforeach; ?>

You can also add more where parameters by adding another key with value expression:

findAll(['parent_nav_id' => 0, 'container' => 'footer']);


You can also use luya\cms\menu\Query -> where() expression to customize the menu output:

Yii::$app->menu->find()->where(['!=', 'is_active', 0])->andWhere(['==', 'parent_nav_id', 0])->all();

Using in conditions:

Yii::$app->menu->find()->where(['in', 'id', [1,2,3,4,5,6]])->all();

The following luya\cms\menu\Query -> where() operators are available inside a condition:

<=Less Than or Equal to
<Less Than
>Greater Than
>=Greater Than or Equal to
=Equal to
==Equal to and same type
inWhether a value is in the array definition


To retrieve just a single menu item from the menu component based on equal where condition, you can use the luya\cms\Menu -> findOne() method:

Yii::$app->menu->findOne(['id' => 1])->link;

Hidden data

For more flexible menu queries, you can use the Query object. As an example, in order to search for top-level pages, including hidden ones, you can use:

Yii::$app->menu->find()->where(['parent_nav_id' => 0])->with(['hidden'])->all();

To get the current breadcrumbs of the current menu item you can use the item object method luya\cms\menu\Item -> getTeardown() to collect all items downwards from the current item, teardown contains the menu itself, luya\cms\menu\Item -> getParents() is almost equals but without the element itself you have applied the method. The luya\cms\menu\Item -> getTeardown() method works of course on every luya\cms\menu\Item , so you can teardown whatever you like to:

    <li><a href="<?= Yii::$app->menu->home->link; ?>">Home</a></li>
    <?php foreach (Yii::$app->menu->current->teardown as $item): ?>
       <li><a href="<?= $item->link; ?>"><?= $item->title; ?></a></li>
    <?php endforeach; ?>

Sometimes you have navigation which should stick based on the previous item, assuming you have 2 menus, one on the top and the other on the left side, in order to display the second menu based on the current active menu you can use luya\cms\Menu -> getLevelContainer():

// you print the first menu somewhere:
foreach (Yii::$app->menu->find()->container('default')->root()->all() as $item) {
    echo $item->title;

// but have a second menu based on the first menu somewhere else:
foreach (Yii::$app->menu->getLevelContainer(2) as $secondItem) {
    echo $secondItem->title;

There is also a possibility to inject data into the menu component direct from every part of your web application. An item inject gives a module the possibility to add items into the menu container.

The most important property of the luya\cms\menu\InjectItem class is the childOf definition, this is where you have to define who is the parent An item injection should be done during the after load event to attach at the right initializer moment of the item, but could be done any time. To inject an item use the luya\cms\Menu -> injectItem()` method on the menu container like below:

Yii::$app->menu->injectItem(new InjectItem([
    'childOf' => 123,
    'title' => 'This is the inject title',
    'alias' => 'this-is-the-inject-alias',

To attach the item at the right moment you can bootstrap your module and use the luya\cms\Menu::EVENT_AFTER_LOAD event of the menu component. The event observed could be done as configuration or inside a bootstraping file:

use luya\cms\Menu;
use luya\cms\menu\InjectItem;

Yii::$app->menu->on(Menu::EVENT_AFTER_LOAD, function($event) {
    $newItem = new InjectItem([
        'childOf' => 123,
        'title' => 'Inject Title',
        'alias' => 'inject-title',


Or as example inside the application configuration:

'components' => [
   'menu' => [
         'class' => 'luya\cms\Menu',
         'on eventAfterLoad'  => function($event) {
            $event->sender->injectItem(new \luya\cms\menu\InjectItem([
                'childOf' => 123,
                'title' => 'Inject Title',
                'alias' => 'inject-title',

Instead of using the childOf property you can also directly set a menu item:

Yii::$app->menu->injectItem(new InjectItem([ 
    'item' => $parentItem, 
    'title' => 'Inject Title', 
    'alias' => 'inject-title',

Be aware that the parent item must be available for current language.

You can control the position of the injected menu item via sortIndex property. As an example, a menu item is injected at the beginning of a submenu:

Yii::$app->menu->injectItem(new InjectItem([ 
    'childOf' => $, 
    'title' => 'Inject Title', 
    'alias' => 'inject-title',
    'sortIndex' => 0, 

When then accessing the submenu's items they must be explicitly sorted:

Yii::$app->menu->find()->where(['==', 'parent_nav_id', $parentItem.navId])->orderBy(['sort_index' => SORT_ASC])->all();


The menu component triggers certain yii\base\Event . You can hook on those events in the configuration for your luya\cms\menu\Component :

'components' => [
    'menu' => [
        'class' => 'luya\cms\Menu',
        'on eventOnItemFind' => function(\luya\cms\frontend\events\MenuItemEvent $event) {
            // see if this menu item has a property
            $prop = $event->item->getProperty('propertyIdentifier');
            if ($prop) {
                // if yes, and the method of this property evaluates whether visible or not, show/hide the item

See Page Properties, when working with luya\cms\frontend\events\BeforeRenderEvent events in page properties.