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Active Windows

An luya\admin\ngrest\base\ActiveWindow is a concept to attach a modal window into a NgRest CRUD list. The Active Window is always bound to an ID of an item and is represented as a button with an icon and/or an alias, e.g. a button in the CRUD list:


An example of an Active Window (Change Password) when clicked:


Create an Active Window


Use the admin/active-window console command to generate a new Active Window.

A very basic example class with the name TestActiveWindow just renders an index and contains a callback:

namespace mymodule\aws;

class TestActiveWindow extends \luya\admin\ngrest\base\ActiveWindow
    public $module = 'mymodule';
    public function index()
        return $this->render("index");
    public function callbackSayHello($name)
        $this->sendSuccess('Hello: ' . $this->itemId);

Some general information about Active Windows:

  • The property $module is required and is used to determine the path for the views files.
  • The index() method is required and will always be the default method which is rendered by clicking on the button in the CRUD grid list.
  • Callbacks must be prefixed with callback, the properties of the callbacks can be either required or not.

Working with callbacks

  • To return successful data use sendSuccess($message).
  • To return error data use sendError($message).

Calling the callbacks

  • When an Active Window callback is called the lower camelcase prefix method e.g. callbackHelloWorld must be called as hello-world.

Attaching the class

In order to add an Active Window into your NgRest config it has to be added in the luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModel -> ngRestActiveWindows() method. As the Active Window contains the yii\base\BaseObject as extend class you can configure all public properties while the class is loading. Below, an example of how to load an Active Window class and define label and icon public properties. The alias and icon properties are present in every Active Window and can always be overridden.

public function ngRestActiveWindows()
    return [
        ['class' => \luya\admin\aws\TestActiveWindow::class, 'label' => 'My Window Alias', 'icon' => 'extension'],

Button condition

A button condition can be defined adding a condition string to be evaluated towards the row fields. Example:

public function ngRestActiveWindows()
    return [
        ['class' => \luya\admin\aws\TestActiveWindow::class, 'label' => 'My Window Alias', 'icon' => 'extension', 'condition' => '{firstname}==\'foo\''],

This My Windows Alias button will only be shown for if the row firstname equals to 'foo'

View files

To render view files you can run the method $this->render() inside your Active Window class. The render method will lookup for PHP view file based on the base path of your $module property. Lets assume we run $this->render('index') and have defined admin as your $module property and your Active Window name is TestActiveWindow this will try to find the view file under the path @admin/views/aws/test/index.php.

How to make a Button

In order to create a button with a callback we use the luya\admin\ngrest\aw\CallbackButtonWidget widget.

Example of a view file:

CallbackButtonWidget::widget(['label' => 'My button', 'callback' => 'hello-world', 'params' => ['name' => 'John Doe']]);

The callback of this button should look like this:

public function callbackHelloWorld($name)
    return $this->sendSuccess('Hello ' . $name);

There are a few built in widgets you can use:

Generate a form

You can also use the callback from the widget to create a form sending data to a callback

use luya\admin\ngrest\aw\ActiveWindowFormWidget;
/** @var \luya\admin\ngrest\base\ActiveWindowView $this */
/** @var \luya\admin\ngrest\aw\ActiveWindowFormWidget $form */ 
    <?php $form = ActiveWindowFormWidget::begin(['callback' => 'post-data', 'buttonValue' => 'Submit']); ?>
    <?= $form->field('firstname', 'Firstname'); ?>
    <?= $form->field('password', 'Password')->passwordInput(); ?>
    <?= $form->field('message', 'Message')->textarea(); ?>
    <?php $form::end(); ?>

The corresponding callback should look like this:

public function callbackPostData($firstname, $lastname)
    return $this->sendError('error while collecting data... maybe?');

AngularJS in view files

As the admin UI is written in AngularJS which let´s you easily create inline AngularJS controllers to interact with your Active Window class. The below view file shows an AngularJS controller which collects data from the controller assigned into the view but uses `ng-repeat to display and render the data.

zaa.bootstrap.register('InlineController', ['$scope', function($scope) {

    $ = <?= $dataFromController; ?>;

    $scope.addToList = function(member) {
        $scope.$parent.sendActiveWindowCallback('add-to-list', {member:member}).then(function(response) {
<div class="row" ng-controller="InlineController">
        <li ng-click="addToList(member)" ng-repeat="item in data">``</li>

After the Active Window response from the function addToList has received the Active Window will be reloaded. This is just a very quick integration example and it does not give the user a true AngularJS experience but shows you how to deliver solutions in a very short time. When working with AngularJS you might want to trigger some of the functions of the CRUD, here a list of what functions are callable and what they do:

$scope.$parent.closeActiveWindow()Close the current ActiveWindow
$scope.$parent.loadList()Reload the ActiveWindow list.
$scope.$parent.reloadActiveWindow()Reload (Rerender) the ActiveWindow.
$scope.$parent.toast.error(message)Display an error toast message.
$scope.$parent.toast.success(message)Display a success toast message.
$scope.$parent.sendActiveWindowCallback(callbackName, params)XHR request for given callbackName with additional params.

Button permission level

In addition to button condition a permission level can be set. This will ensure displaying the buttons only when proper permission level is met. This can be defined with the luya\admin\ngrest\base\ActiveWindow -> $permissionLevel attribute. Example:

public function ngRestActiveWindows()
    return [
        ['class' => \luya\admin\aws\TestActiveWindow::className(), 'label' => 'My Window ', 'permissionLevel' => Auth::CAN_VIEW],

Above example will add the TestActiveWindow button if the user has the VIEW permission of the model.

If permissionLevel attribute is not set, the default behavior is applied which is CAN_UPDATE permission is required.

['class' => \luya\admin\aws\TestActiveWindow::className(), 'label' => 'My Window'],

To disable permission checks, you have to set the permissionLevel to am empty string:

['class' => \luya\admin\aws\TestActiveWindow::className(), 'label' => 'My Window', 'permissionLevel' => ''],

Existing reusable Active Windows

The admin UI of LUYA provides some basic reusable Active Windows which you can reuse and use out of the box. Just attach them to your NgRest config with the given configuration. Take a look at the API reference for more details in how to attach the specific Active Window.

luya\admin\aws\TaggableActiveWindow Provides the option to set tags for the given record.
luya\admin\aws\ImageSelectCollectionActiveWindow Select images from the file manager and store them in a reference table.
luya\admin\aws\FlowActiveWindow Provides an image uploader (flow uploader) which are hidden in the filemanager and stored in a reference table.
luya\admin\aws\DetailViewActiveWindow A detail view where you can define the attributes with the given type or just print all fields with the corresponding value.
luya\admin\aws\ChangePasswordActiveWindow An option to change the password.
luya\admin\aws\CoordinatesActiveWindow Provides a view where you can find coordinates for a given location.