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NgRest Pools

See luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModel -> ngRestPools().

Define data pools


The difference between luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModel -> ngRestFilters() and luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModel -> ngRestPools() is that the pool identifier must be provided in the menu component and is not visible in the UI; it acts like an invisible filter, only available to developers.

A data pool can be used to retrieve only a subset of data. The identifier for the pool is passed through to all subrelation calls. Related models will filter their data by the same pool identifier if configured accordingly.

The following is an example of a pool identifier for a table with cars:

return [
    'poolAudi' => ['car_brand' => 'Audi'],
    'poolBMW' => ['car_brand' => 'BMW'],

If the pool identifier is defined in the menu, all subrelation calls will receive the identifier. Therefore, in the above example, you could have a model for car parts that only returns parts with the same pool identifier in relation calls:

return [
    'poolAudi' => ['parts_brand' => 'Audi'],
    'poolBMW' => ['parts_brand' => 'BMW'],

The identifiers poolAudi and poolBMW are passed to the parts table to only return parts for the specified car brand.


The pool condition is treated as a where condition; the above example would be where(['car_brand' => 'BMW']). Only hash format expressions with "equal" operators are allowed.

There is also a convenient luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestActiveQuery -> inPool() for generating where conditions Cars::find()->inPool('poolBMW')->all().

Using Pool in Menus

To differentiate between pools for content creators within your module, you can directly utilize the itemPoolApi method from the luya\admin\components\AdminMenuBuilder -> itemPoolApi() class. This method is accessible in the MenuBuilder section of your module.

 return (new \luya\admin\components\AdminMenuBuilder($this))
        ->node('Node', 'panorama_vertical')
                ->itemPoolApi('Audi', 'module/controller/action', 'folder', 'api-module-controller', 'poolAudi')
                ->itemPoolApi('BMW', 'module/controller/action', 'folder', 'api-module-controller', 'poolBMW')