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API Endpoints

As APIs are the base concept of LUYA admin, you can modify and tweak them with a few changes in order to increase or customize the default behavior.

Every API endpoint must be extending from the luya\admin\ngrest\base\Api class and define the luya\admin\ngrest\base\Api -> $modelClass. A very basic implementation could look like this:

class MyEndpoint extends Api
    public $modelClass = 'app\models\MyModel';

Expand Relations

Its very common to join relation data for index list view in order to reduce SQL queries. To do so define the luya\admin\ngrest\base\Api -> withRelations() method inside your API. This can be either an array with relations which will be passed to index, list and view or an array with a subdefinition in order to define which relation should be used in which scenario.

public function withRelations()
    return ['user', 'images'];

The above relations will be auto added trough yii\db\ActiveQuery -> with() if defined in ?expand=user,images. In order to define view specific actions:

public function withRelations()
    return [
        'index' => ['user', 'images'],
        'list' => ['user'],
        'view' => ['images', 'files'],

The Yii Framework has a very convenient way to work with model sub relations, using expand can also "unfold" sub relations when defined in luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModel -> extraFields().

class XYZ extends NgRestModel
    public function getUser()
        return $this->hasOne(User::class, ['id' => 'user_id']);
    public function extraFields()
        return array_merge(['user'], parent::extraFields());

The luya\admin\ngrest\base\Api -> withRelations() will eager load the data, but in order to expand sub relations e.g. the country relation must be defined in luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModel -> extraFields() array_merge(['country'], parent::extraFields()) inside the User model.


The LUYA API automatically enabled pagination after 200 rows, but you can also force this settings by configure the luya\admin\ngrest\base\Api -> $pagination property:

public $pagination = ['defaultPageSize' => 50];

In order to enable the per-page get request option the $pagination property has to be declared like in the example above, by default you can then choose between 0 and 50 items. In order to configure the page size limit use:

public $pagination = [
    'defaultPageSize' => 50,
    'pageSizeLimit' => [0, 100]

Extend index query

You can override the prepare index query to preload relation data with luya\admin\ngrest\base\Api -> prepareIndexQuery() if you just have to load relations we recommend to use luya\admin\ngrest\base\Api -> withRelations() instead.

public function prepareIndexQuery()
    return parent::prepareIndexQuery()->joinWith(['relation1', 'relation2']);

Make sure to call the parent implementation!

Extra URL Rules

Since core 1.0.10 and admin 1.2.2 you can also provide some extra patterns for your APIs. With the configuration of luya\base\Module -> $apiRules you can give every API a customized setup. As the rules are defined trough yii\rest\UrlRule you can now set extra pattern, exclude given actions or change tokens.

An example of adding a semantic get request action could look like this:

class NewsController extends \luya\admin\ngrest\base\Api
    public $modelClass = 'app\models\News';
    public function actionComments($id)
        // return comments for given id

The APIs entry would be

public $apis = [
    'api-module-news' => 'app\modules\admin\apis\NewsController',

In the traditional way you would have to run the action actionComments like following but as you want to unfold the comments with you can now add this rule to the extra patterns for the rule defintion:

 public $apiRules = [
    'api-module-news' => ['extraPatterns' => ['GET {id}/comments' => 'comments']]


Sometimes you need to have additional filtering methods for a given API requests, therefore yii\data\DataFilter is used. Assuming you'd like filter row for a given where condition, like groups you have to create a Filtering Model and declare the filter model in the API.

Define the filter model:

class MyApiFilter extends \yii\base\Model
    public $group_id;
    public function rules()
        return [
            [['group_id'], 'integer'],

Assign the filter model to the API:

class MyApi extends luya\admin\ngrest\base\Api
    public $modelClass = 'app\models\Users';
    public $filterSearchModelClass = 'app\models\MyApiFilter';

Now as you have declared the filtering model to the API, this allows you to use the filter param, assuming you'd like to filter for a given group_id in the users lise there URL would like this my-api-filter?filter[group_id]=1.

The filter can also be part of the requested body, the body param should then start with filter as well:

    "filter": {"group_id":1}

Complex and nested conditions are possible as well:

    "or": [
            "and": [
                    "name": "some name",
                    "price": "25",
            "id": {"in": [2, 5, 9]},
            "price": {
                "gt": 10,
                "lt": 50

A few example as JSON and HTTP GET param

The following examples show filter requests for JSON body param or as get param. This helps to transform from JSON to HTTP GET param as it's mostly harder to read and write.

{ "filter": {"group_id":{"in": [1,2,3]} } filter[group_id][in][0]=1&filter[group_id][in][1]=2&filter[group_id][in][2]=4
{ "filter": {"group_id":{"gt":1} } filter[group_id][gt]=1
{ "filter": { "or": [ {"name":"John"}, {"email":"[email protected]"} ] } } filter[or][0][name]=John&filter[or][1][email][email protected]

In order to decode and test a get URL use urldecode(http_build_query(['filter' => [/*...*/]))