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Admin Module

An admin module provides the ability to quickly create an admin UI section for your data. The LUYA CRUD system is called NgRest or you can also use MVC in order to render a view with data from a controller.

Some features available in the admin UI section:

Creating an admin module


You can use the module/create to scaffold quickly all the required folders and files. The scaffolding command will generate a new folder structure like this:

└── mymodule
    ├── admin
    │   ├── aws
    │   ├── migrations
    │   └── Module.php
    ├── frontend
    │   ├── blocks
    │   ├── controllers
    │   ├── Module.php
    │   └── views
    ├── models

Let´s assume we use the module name mymodule, so you will have a new folder mymodule inside the modules folder of your application with the folders admin and frontend and models. As models can be in both admin and frontend context this is where your module shared data belongs to.

In order to add the modules to your application go into the modules section of your config and add your frontend and admin modules as following:

return [
    'modules' => [
        // ...
        'mymodule' => 'app\modules\mymodule\frontend\Module',
        'mymoduleadmin' => 'app\modules\mymodule\admin\Module',
        // ...


Keep in mind, if you are creating a module for admin usage, the admin name in the config must contain a suffix like mymoduleadmin otherwise using only mymodule for admin modules will give you some disadvantages.