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Create a LUYA Application

The LUYA installation requires Composer. Please have a look at the official Composer website if you haven´t installed it on your system yet.

Create Project

After setting up Composer, we execute the Composer command create-project to checkout the luya-kickstarter application, an out of the box LUYA setup to run your website directly. It is recommended to run the create-project command directly from your htdocs/webserver folder like this:

composer create-project luyadev/luya-kickstarter:^1.0

GitHub login credentials

During the installation you may be asked for the GitHub login credentials. This is normal, because Composer needs to get enough API rate-limit to retrieve the dependent package information from GitHub. For more details, please refer to the Composer documentation.


In previous versions the fxp Composer plugin was required composer global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.4" but this has been replaced with Asset Packagist. If the Asset Packagist is not present in the composer.json, you might install the fxp plugin as it is a "legacy" project setup.

The create-project command will create a folder (inside of your current folder, where the composer create-project command was executed) named luya-kickstarter.


If the Composer installation is done, switch to configs folder inside the application and copy the .dist template files to original .php files.

cp env.php.dist env.php

On Windows use: copy env.php.dist env.php

Now the database connection inside the configs/config.php file needs to fit your MySQL servers' configuration. It is recommended to open all config files once to change values and understand the behavior. In order to understand the config files, read more in the environment configs section.

Migrate and Import

After successfully setting up your database connection, you have to reopen your terminal and switch to your project directory and execute the luya binary files, which has been installed into your vendor folder by Composer as described below.

Run the migration files with the migrate console command:

Note: If the migration process failed, try to replace localhost with in the database DNS configuration (env-local-db.php) which is located in the configs folder.

./vendor/bin/luya migrate

On Windows use: php index.php migrate

Build and import all filesystem configurations into the database with the import console command:

./vendor/bin/luya import

On Windows use: php index.php import


Finally execute the setup console command command, which is going to setup a user, group and permissions:

./vendor/bin/luya admin/setup

On Windows use: php index.php admin/setup

The setup process will ask you for an email and password to store your personal login data inside the database (of course the password will be encrypted).

./vendor/bin/luya health will make a small check if several directories exist and readable/writable.

You can now log into the administration interface, e.g. http://localhost/luya-kickstarter/public_html/admin (depending on the location of the LUYA files).

Check the Installation Problems and Questions Site if you have any problems with the LUYA setup.

Docker (docker-compose)

When you run the LUYA Kickstarter with docker-compose (see the docker-compose.yml for more details) you start the Docker container by using

docker-compose up

Afterwards all dependencies will be installed and a webserver including a database is running. You can now run a specially Docker setup command:

docker-compose exec luya_web setup

This will run the migrate, import and setup command with a default user and password admin. To run further commands use

docker-compose exec luya_web luya <console_command>

Since the Docker image is running on port 80, the docker-compose maps the internal port 80 to your machines port 8080 so you can now access your website in the browser under localhost:8080.