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Admin controller and view file

In order to use a controller to prepare your data you have to assign those into the view file and finally generate a new menu entry for this view as described in this guide.

Generate custom controller and view

Let´s assume you have already registered your admin module. Next let´s create a new controller in the controllers folder of your admin folder:


namespace app\modules\mymodule\admin\controllers;

use luya\admin\base\Controller;

class StatsController extends Controller
    public function actionIndex()
        return $this->render('index', [
            'data' => [], // Data to assign into the view file `index`.

The controller will now try to find the view file app/modules/mymodule/admin/views/stats/index.php so you have to create this file:

/** @var $this \luya\web\View */
Hello World!

Now your controller and view files are ready, head over to the next section to learn how create a new menu entry for your controller.

Register the controller in the menu

In order to register your custom controller you have to extend (or create if not done already) the luya\admin\base\Module::getMenu() function in order to match your route. We assume you have assigned your admin module as mymoduleadmin in your application configuration, so the route to your controller would be mymoduleadmin/stats/index:

public function getMenu()
    return (new \luya\admin\components\AdminMenuBuilder($this))
        ->node('My Root Menu', 'accessibility')
            ->group('Group Description')
                ->itemRoute("Stats Controller", "mymoduleadmin/stats/index", "poll"); // icons like poll:

You have now told the administration module that there is a new menu entry. All you have to do is now run the ./vendor/bin/luya import command and assign the new permissions to your admin UI.


Do not forget to run import command and assign the permission to your Administration Group in the admin UI afterwards!

You could also use luya\admin\components\AdminMenuBuilder -> nodeRoute() which would not have a group and item which gives you a larger screen to build your custom views.

Custom view inline AngularJS controller

If you would like to make a view file without any asset integration you can just bootstrap an inline AngularJS controller within your view file like this:

zaa.bootstrap.register('FinderController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
    // add your AngularJS controller logic here

    $scope.title = 'Hello World';    
<div class="luya-content" ng-controller="FinderController">
    <h1>{{ title }}</div>

You could also register a java script file within an admin asset.