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Unit Test

Unit testing is an integral part of LUYA. Every new class and function should be accompanied by a dedicated unit test. We recommend you to use LUYA Testsuite

Unit test a single class

  1. Create the test for your class in tests/ within the appropriate folder (for example InflectorHelperTest.php in tests/core/helpers). For a general guide to create PHP Unit Tests refer to Getting Started with PHPUnit or the Official Documentation.
  2. Make sure your Composer packages are updated by running composer install within the local LUYA dev package.
  3. Run the tests for your class by executing ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/core/helpers/InflectorHelperTest.php (if you want to test to the InflectorHelperTest.php for example)

Unit test everything with a complete suite test

  1. Create a new database (for example luya_env_phpunit).
  2. Insert the database dump for your LUYA version from tests/data/sql/ (for example 1.0.0.sql).
  3. Rename phpunit.xml.dist in LUYA root to phpunit.xml.
  4. Change dsn, username and password in phpunit.xml.
  5. Ensure you have installed the current Composer packages by running composer install within the local LUYA dev package.
  6. Execute the phpunit binary file with ./vendor/bin/phpunit.